I went back to work 20 hours per week after I had our daughter, and from 10 weeks old to 9 months old we had family watching her. At that point we had chosen a daycare close to my office instead of close to our home for a few reasons. First, I could get to her quickly if needed, second, HOV LANE! Woot woot.
I was overwhelmed when starting our daughter at daycare, but luckily we chose a great daycare that was seriously on top of things. Here are a few items & tips that I learned along the way made things much easier. This is not a sponsored post, all items have been used by me and I highly recommend them!
Tip #1: Everything has to be labeled! Everything. Colorful Masking tape & a Sharpie are a must. Diaper cream? Label it. Wipes? Label it. Diaper bag? Label it. Jacket? Find a way to label that sucker.
Tip #2: If your Daycare does not provide your child’s food, ask if they have a refrigerator for lunches. I once sent a non-iced meal and my poor kiddo had some “yucky turkey.”
Tip #3: Take a deep breath. Your little one is about to develop their social skills and learn SO much. My daughter came home at one and a half knowing her colors, & what they were in sign language too. I don’t know that crap. She could’ve been lying and I would have just kept nodding at those sweet pudgy cheeks & doe eyes.
She loved seeing her friends, playing outside, doing crafts, all of it. You are a great parent. I remember going to daycare and loving it. Regularly scheduled crafts, eating lunch with my friends and bikes outside? Stop it. Stop it right now. Where is the adult version of this…

Every sippy cup and bottle has to be labeled with your child’s name, so these are a lifesaver! I first use the two Orbit Labels, then on any other baby bottles I use colorful masking tape and a sharpie to label. I added the link to Inchbug’s Etsy Shop instead of their website since it’s about $4 cheaper to order through Etsy!
2. Crocs
Crocs with socks? Only kids can do it. They are easy to clean, durable, & easy to put on their little feet. My daughter stopped loving her crocs around age 3, but until then, they are amazing. Sometimes you can score these at Home Goods at a discount! *Disclaimer* We live in Arizona and don’t have to worry about snow. For lots of families, this is a great summer shoe.
Out of all of the sippy cups I have tried, these are my favorite. Especially when transitioning away from baby bottles, the soft mouth piece is familiar enough for my little ones to drink from them right away. The lids are just one piece, easily cleaned in the top rack of the dishwasher. Good news for parents: When your hercules-like child chucks it off the high chair, the lid doesn’t come off, and only a couple drops come out of the little spout. I’d say that’s a win in sippy cup land. BONUS: The tall versions fit in my daughter’s carseat cupholder, she is thrilled.
4. Snuggly Animal or Lovey
Our daycare had us leave our child’s animal at there to be washed by them regularly. It was a tremendous help to not have to pack this everyday. Another option is to just leave it in your child’s daycare bag. After two years at the daycare, it was really worn out and we decided to get rid of it, so I would suggest not sending their ABSOLUTE favorite, can’t function without it lovey. This one from Amazon is just $9!
5. EasyLunchBoxes tupperware
I am in love with these things. I originally purchased them for my husband to pack his lunch, but HOLY TOLEDO they are great for kids. Your daycare probably will provide snacks and meals, but some only provide snacks. Whatever the case, this is a mom must have. When my brain is zombied out from 2 am feedings, I look at this little rectangle and it without being impatient with me, it says “put a sandwich here, some fruit over here, and don’t forget the carrots & hummus.” Ok, thank you EasyLunchBoxes. Your name says it all.
6. Extra Outfit (& extra socks) in a Labeled Ziplock Bag
You already know this momma, because their poop might slide out their pants. Or they might try to finger paint with their blueberries. Or they might decide that mud looks fun. Those sweet little mess makers.
7. Avery Iron On Clothing Labels
Ok I WISH I knew about these a lot sooner. These are best for jackets, and would even be great for their blanket or lovey.
I hope this helps you momma!